Y'all have a good weekend!
UPDATE: I'm gonna be sort of busy for the next month and a half or so and I had a thought: does anyone wanna do a GUEST COMIC? Anyone? Anyone? Woolard, Patrick, Hiebster, Damien? April, Onlyembry, Liv, Bobbi, Biobro? Allan, Japes, Stormgren, Carrot? It'd be like commenting, but ... more work? Fun, right?
(It's an update that's half shout-out, half plea for help. LOL!)
I realized that there is no way I can do one before sunday so..........nvm. but! some other time... if you want me to that is.
O, I don't need them by Sunday. Whenever is fine, there's no deadline!
I can't draw! I don't have any pens! Or paper! My face is a computer! I don't even exist!
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