Monday, August 1, 2011

Elfworld and the Zine Symposium

Exerpt from Elfworld Submission

Hello! Here are the first six panels of a three page story I think I've been working on for a year and a half? Nothing like a deadline to help you finish something, huh? I have submitted the complete piece to the Elfworld Anthology, which is edited by Francois Vigneault, one of the nicest people in the universe.

Next weekend is the Portland Zine Symposium! I can't believe it's already here. I'll either be tabling for Sparkplug or myself, I'm not sure which yet. I am planning on having two new zines: the second issue of Food Stamp Foodie and another issue of Milkyboots. If you can't make the Symposium, I'll put them up on my etsy page as soon as I make them.

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