Sunday, June 6, 2010



Popcorn is the best snack. It's cheap and easy to make and if you put nutritional yeast on it (which really you should, with a lil bit of sea salt) you get all your B vitamins and that makes you less crazy-feeling. Yay popcorn!

I've watched FLCL twice, and still, even after the second viewing (when I wasn't wasted on Bulleit and making out with my lady) I have no idea what it's about. There's a babe with a guitar, and a sad babe, and they're both in love with a little boy is what I got out of it. It's pretty awesome.

Also, I got a write-up on the Bitch Magazine blogs! I'm totes stoked! If you are my parents, though, please don't read it because I'm still processing some of the things quoted in the article, haha. No, seriously, mama, don't read it (I love you!).


dylan sparkplug said...

FLCL is one of the only animated things I can watch.

Also, popcorn=crap in your teeth.

milkyboots said...

It's totally worth it tho!

sarah spills said...

i've seen all of FLCL and still don't understand it, buuuut love it at the same time