These ladies are either:
-characters from a story I wrote
-Pippa and Felicity from Libba Bray's Gemma Doyle Trilogy, as my girlfriend insists.
You can choose!
I think I might try to color this digitally when I have some time.

On my new roommate's birthday we went to do karaoke at the Know. It was fun, and man, can those folks sing. I feel like everyone in Portland is really good at karaoke. I am not (that's me on the left). And I forgot the words.
I relisted a bunch of my older Milkyboots issues (#10-12) in my etsy shop!

This is a test run of a "splash page," haha, for my next comic. The text will be different; these are lyrics from a song by Florence and the Machine. Every time I do a drawing with song lyrics on it, I feel like a teenager again.
I am done comics conventioning for the year and it is a relief! I plan to not leave the house until March when I'll probably be in Austin. Last week was especially stressful; three events, no sleep, work and an injured kitty. Our vet is great though, and Lyra is doing much better after something got a hold of her tail.
Guys, how awesome has Community been this season?! That show is like my security blanket.
I got back from MIX on Monday. I managed to get a little drawing done while I was gone, including this. There are more photos up on my flickr page (which I think you can get to by clicking on the image - I can never figure out how to link to my flickr.)

Hey guys!
I am at my folks' house in rural Wisconsin so I can't post any drawings - here instead is a picture of the cats trying to trick me into giving them lunch (It is 10:30 cats! You just had breakfast an hour ago!)
Anyway, I wanted to let y'all know I will be at MIX this weekend. I'm gonna be tabling for Sparkplug, but I will have a couple copies of the newest Milkyboots and Food Stamp Foodie. And by a couple, I mean like three of each ... I need to make more copies. So I guess if you want them, get there early haha.
Gotta go thrift store shopping with my dad now! TTYL