Not been posting much, you say! I been busy dude, getting this brand-spankin new Milkyboots ready for y'all. It is available for immediate purchase in my etsy store. In addition:
-if you live in Portland but are terrified of face-to-face contact with me, I just dropped off two copies at Bridge City Comics and I will be taking some to Reading Frenzy soon.
-if you live in Portland and think you'd be okay with meeting me, I will be tabling at the Crafty Wonderland Holiday Sale with my friend & boss, A.M. I will be selling zines and jewelry and other tchotchkes.
-if you also make zines, I would be happy to trade with you! I will also trade for knick-knacks, drinks, cute hairclips, vegetables and the occasional cookie. Holla at a girl: vlpaine at yahoo dot com.
giveme one. its arian. follow my new blog
I thought "hairclips" said "hairlips." Not cute. And I'm drunk.
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