Thursday, August 6, 2009

Full Moon!


I'm sorry. That was a terrible joke.


owlie said...

So I recall seeing you at PZS, and recognized you but couldn't place from where, then I realized I frequent your place of employment. I had been meaning to look into what your zine was about but kept forgetting until I was sitting there drinking coffee today but felt a wave of awkwardness in viewing your blog while you were right there but did it anyways and felt creepy... Then I felt almost guilty at my creepiness and had to let you know that I did this... Anyways, I enjoy what I've seen so far, I've always been a fan of clean lines and it's nice to be familiar with the area/culture that takes place within a piece.

milkyboots said...

Thanks! You should introduce yourself next time, I promise I don't bite!

owlie said...

You're quite welcome and I'll do that, I'm definitely there enough for some kind of employee-customer relationship to be thoroughly appropriate.

Red Avian said...

who is that?