Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday Boobies


A little high school-y perhaps, but look - shading! The words are the lyrics to Siren Song by Bat for Lashes (I've been obsessing). I didn't crop it 'cause I liked the way it looked.

This is unrelated but I've been thinking about what's going to become mainstream and trendy this year, and so far I've come up with: vikings, ska music, unibrows and studs in clothing. We'll see if I'm right.


Red Avian said...

you're on the money with ska music. it's brewing for a come back. it's too bad, really......

Anonymous said...

The studs are soo hot topic when I was in school, I hope it doesn't come back, or those lame goth/bondage pants.

Anonymous said...

i think island flavor is going to come back. aloha.