For always making me bawl like a baby at work.

I am planning on having copies of Milkyboots 8 for sale in my etsy store next week. If you live in Portland and don't feel like dealing with me (I don't blame you!), it can be found at Guapo and Cosmic Monkey RIGHT NOW.
And I have to apologize because I inked this before John woke up and I didn't realize he is not sporting the 'stache this week. I have often complained about the people in my life needing to remain consistent with their various hairs styles. It makes my job, and the reader's, so much simpler.

I apologize for not posting yesterday! Everything was a little crazy this weekend. I will post tomorrow, I promise.

Once again, Patrick gets it spot on. It is 6:40 am the day before the Symposium and I am about to head down to the IPRC to finish Milkyboots #8. Please come see me this weekend! If I seem to look rather masculine on Friday, it's just cause Stormgren is filling in for me while I'm finishing up Zine Camp.

I did this freehand while waiting at the food stamps office. I realized that I prolly could do stuff this week if I stop being so anal about my drawing. A normal page takes me like six hours to write, draw and ink.
I am going to have a very busy week, between working and avoiding things I need to do/trying to enjoy the summer, so (barring divine intervention) I will not be posting this week. See you later!
Also, I will be tabling at the Portland Zine Symposium! If you live in Portland, come see me! I will have Milkyboots #8 (the new issue!) for sale.

Guest comic by my fellow zine camp intern, Chelsea! It's unfinished because I only gave her twenty minutes to do it and I wanted to get home to go swimming.
Sorry, gotta go swimming, no post today! Exciting stuff from Chelsea soon!

The ladies in the last panel are some of my Portland favs; Lauren, Kayti, Rach, Mimi and Natalie. They are awesome!

These are getting slightly out of order. Oh well! I am slowly catching up.

Yeah, I'm busy this month. Busy saving the galaxy! You're welcome. Comic by Patrick.

I have been accused of being ageist since I was, I don't know, 17? I know, I suck.
I have a lot of catching up to do. Besides this 'one-off' I am about two weeks behind in drawing and I want to have Milkyboots #8 done by the Zine Symposium. So folks, I need some more guest comics! Send 'em in, show me what you got!

And then I almost left my sketchbook in the scanner, again, yesterday. I'm going to change my occupation on Facebook to "Embarrassing myself at the IPRC."
So Paris approved both of the pages I was feeling weird about.
I would like to sincerely apologize to all of humanity for the sentence in panel five. Once the underlined words were put on the board, some inexorable force over took us (I actually said it first) and the sentence had to be spoken.
Or maybe Rach and I are just dirty-minded girls.